Monday, January 21, 2008


So I'm probably headed to Seattle this weekend with H, who is working the boat show there. While she is working 8 hours per day Thurs - Sun, I'll need to keep occupied. So if anyone has been to Seattle and has something to recommend to keep me busy, let me know. I will have a car.

1 comment:

Mike D. said...

It's really touristy, but go check out the Pike Place Market....the place where they throw the fish in the air.

When I was there last, 2 notable things happened:

-I had the best bagel I've ever had in my life (salt bagel with whipped light cream cheese), ironically with a guy who's nickname is "Bagel"

-A bird fell from the sky to its death about 3 feet in front of me. 1 second later and I would've had splattered bird all over me. I still thought I was cursed for the next 3 weeks.