Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Code Words

If you've listened to anything Mike Huckabee's been saying lately, you've probably heard his whole routine on how he's done with the "horizontal" politics of the left and right and promises a new kind of "vertical" politics that bring the country together and make it better. Seems to be nothing more than innocent (and empty) rhetoric. But apparently many people are convinced that "vertical" is in fact a code word for evangelicals.

All I can think about is how awesome it would be if I belonged to a group that had candidates for the presidency speaking to them in code words. Let's see...I'm a vegetarian, and I'm sure that the majority of US voters would be uncomfortable with their leaders explicitly endorsing vegetarianism. So I would like to see a presidential candidate speak to me IN CODE to say that they support my lifestyle....maybe they can say that in foreign policy they're more likely to offer carrots than sticks? Something like that? But seriously....how lucky are Christians to get their own code language???

Cos '12

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