Thursday, January 3, 2008


A couple nights ago I watched that "Dixie Chicks: Shut Up And Sing" documentary and it was actually really good. Wouldn't make it into, say, my top 5 documentaries list, but I'd still definitely recommend it.

What's that smokestack? It's time for a top 5 documentaries list? Alright!

5) Gimme Shelter

4) Planet Earth (yes it's technically a mini-series, but where else are you going to see footage of snakes and fish forming hunting alliances? Eat it, I'm putting it in.)

3) Jesus Camp

2) Dig!

1) The Corporation

If you haven't seen all of these, you now have plans for this week.


Anonymous said...

f*****g rocks

got beef with me or mike d
on this we'll settle it in...


the notorious E.G.G said...
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the notorious E.G.G said...

I'm going to add "Riding Giants" to this list. Although it's certifiable "bro material," it provides (what seems to me) a comprehensive look at the history of surfing, and some of the craziest big wave surfing footage I've ever seen (not that I've seen a lot).

Also good, is a film called Dark Days.