Monday, March 17, 2008

More on Accountability

Former US Attorney John Mackay has written an article on the political firings of USA's by the Justice Department for the Seattle University Law Review. The article can be downloaded here, and Harper's Scott Horton, who has been covering the scandal, has a summary here.

Mackay specifically looks at how obstruction of justice and criminal violations of the Hatch Act may apply to Sen. Domenici(R) and Rep. Wilson(R) of New Mexico, the top tier leadership at the DoJ, the DoJ aides who helped organize the firings, and members of the political staff at the White House. As well as numerous instances of potential perjury in Congressional hearings.

The DoJ's Inspector General is due to release an internal investigation into the firings sometime soon. If AG Mukasey doesn't then appoint an independent prosecutor for further investigations, the Democrats should insist that he resign. But they won't. Because they are spineless and afraid of being called bad names by a President with a 20% approval rating.

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