Friday, March 28, 2008

Fighting 5-year-olds makes it big!

So it appears that the How-Many-5-Year-Olds-Can-You-Take-In-A-Fight discussion has officially become a cultural phenomenon, now that Chuck Klosterman has written about it in this month's Esquire Magazine (Sorry, link is not online). His piece is pretty lame - you'd think Chuck Klosterman would have a little more of a fresh perspective on the matter. But still, nice to see that a topic that I'm still convinced was originally thought up by the contributors of this blog some years ago is now a mainstream, national conversation. Next up: Cobras.


Indiana said...

Yo, Eggers, what about that cobra you were going to add to the banner?

...And how about a little lady luck? I'm sad not to be represented!

smokestack said...

I'd love to be able to determine who really started the five year olds thing. did it come up first after that bbc news article that turned out to be fake about the 100 wrestling midgets who fought a lion (and lost)? do you guys remember that one?

the notorious E.G.G said...

As much as I'd like to think this thing took root with us, I can't help but picture thousands of other drunken idiots having the same puerile conversation the world over.

Assaulting small children is a common life theme for 20-something males.

the notorious E.G.G said...

I don't have access to the Blogger admin panel. Brad will have to insert the Cobra. DO IT BRAD.

smokestack said...

btw.... i could still beat up 200 five year olds. pussies.