Friday, March 28, 2008

Election stuff

I must admit that I was pretty surprised to see that the whole Jeremiah Wright thing didn't really hurt Obama at all, as per the most recent polls. When you take into consideration that Clinton now can't use the "Obama has never had to withstand an attack" line anymore, the whole thing actually probably helped him. I think this should calm people down who want him to win but are worried about if he has what it takes to face Republicans. Think about it - if it was revealed that any other Democrat had a pastor and close friend who was a high-profile racist and condemned America one week after 9/11, they'd be fucked. Obama somehow managed to use it as an opportunity to address the looming race issue (and it looks like to much success) and get it out of the way, while keeping his "above the fray" image (and yes, I know it's nothing more than an image) intact all well refusing to disown Jeremiah Wright. Impressive.

On another note, the whole fascination with exit polls and the demographic breakdowns of primary voters is getting really annoying. The bottom line is that most members of a party will vote for their party no matter who is the candidate, most states are very predictably Democrat or Republican, and the presidency is won by winning individual states. So what the fuck! Who cares if white men in Mississippi hate Obama or black people love him.......there is absolutely no way the Democrats will win Mississippi. And there's no way they'll lose New York or California. The only demographics that matter are those in the key swing states, and I'd guess that on average, any old white people in these states that refuse to vote for an African-American will be more than made up for by the massive African-American turnout that will be guaranteed in that (or any other) state.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

said it once i'll say again
all this hillary/obama non-sense
is a waste of time...

mccain will win
mark my words