Tuesday, March 4, 2008

24: Not Just Sucky -- Evil, Too!

Ever wondered exactly who came up with the idea for Jack Bauer? Over at Harper's, Scott Horton has an idea: 
"We should start with a frank question: has "24" been created with an overtly political agenda, namely, to create a more receptive public audience for the Bush Administration's torture policies? I think the answer to that question is very clear. The answer is "yes." In "Whatever It Takes," Jane Mayer has waded through the sheaf of contacts between the show's producer, Joel Surnow, and Vice President Cheney and figures right around him... Surnow is now working to develop public attitudes which are more accepting of torture... he is a torture-enabler."
The only question now is, can we also assume Surnow hired Kiefer Sutherland in an attempt to make drunk driving more acceptable to the public? 
Three posts in a day -- how's that for making up for lost time?

1 comment:

Indiana said...

Sorry, B, but Surnow's evil. Everyone knows it. Best you do too.