Thursday, February 28, 2008

McCain vs. McCain

To pick up on Smokestack's post from a few days ago, my favourite conservative pundit George Will wrote a good column in the Washington Post today about this McCain vs. McCain-Feingold story.

I think this story may pick up a lot of steam. Not because of the "does using public funds as collateral for a loan = using public funds" issue, because there will never be a definitive answer on that. It's more because of the absurdity and hilarity of John McCain's own law screwing over John McCain. Every Democrat and every Republican who hates John McCain must think that this is the best and funniest shit ever.

1 comment:

smokestack said...

ahhh.... but there will be a definitive answer to that question. The ones who are empowered to make give that answer are the FEC, acting as quasi-judicial tribunal in their capacity as an administrative agency (isn't admin law so fun and useful!). The only reason there isnt a definitive answer now is that the FEC can not muster a quorum. There are only 2 member now when there should be 6. There are only 2 because the republicans have nominated a slate of 4 candidates that includes a Republican black and minority vote suppression guru (one that was almost indited, and certainly implicated, in the New Hampshire democratic get-out-the-vote campaign office phone jamming operation of 2004). And the republicans are filibusting the process, insisting that all 4 are voted on as a slate as opposed to one at a time.

So once that is worked out, the FEC can rule. once they have ruled, it will be appeal through judicial review through the courts.

but there will be a definitive answer. and answer could end up being that john mccain committed a criminal offense by committing to public funding and then intentional spending over his limit. so this issue isn't over by a long shot.