Monday, February 4, 2008

Chinese Trains

After having spent many a day in China on the trains, I can sympathize with this:

When record blizzards hit China last month, what began as a 36-hour train trip for Edward Wang became an ordeal lasting nearly twice that long.

He described fighting among drunken passengers and staff armed with knives, fears of being robbed by those desperate for food, and breathing air so foul that some people became dizzy.

I didn't quite experience anything of that magnitude, but we did get spit on once. And water ran out a few times, though you could buy anything at the makeshift markets at each stop. Our record was a 30 hour trip from Urumqi to Lanzhou. A similar length and same destination as the dude in the story. We almost died the first time we were in Lanzhou when our completely ripped taxi driver tore through the city at 4am at 140km/h on city streets without stopping at a single red light. He turned around to us at the end of the ride with a huge smile, like he was proud he got us there so fast.

Not much point to this post... just bored in insurance law.


Mike D. said...

One day I want to travel on that train that goes from Moscow to Beijing, via Mongolia. Anyone interested? First class cabin is only 500 bucks!

smokestack said...

i've heard its a cool trip. we ran into a bunch of people in china who had done it. traveling by train is generally pretty cool.

I'll be taking this one across northern Mozambique to the coast in the summer. it sounds summer intense.