Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Retort, Sir

Maybe women aren't as stupid as we thought?


Indiana said...

Nah... They are.

But here's a great excerpt from the "rebuttal":

The saddest aspect of Allen's whole piece is that, while mocking women who gush over Obama, she adopts the insecure seventh-grade girl pose of playing down her own intelligence in order to be popular. "Oh my God, you guys, I'm SO DUMB. I don't even KNOW how I won the science fair!" It's heartbreaking to watch an adolescent sell herself out this way. But Allen is selling us all out, letting us know we should probably be ignored.

J.R. McConvey said...

Next up: my groundbreaking, provocative piece entitled "Most people are stupid."

Indiana said...

Hahaha! Thanks for that reminder.