Saturday, March 1, 2008


So I was just in the corner store at Bloor & Dovercourt when all of the sudden about 10 cop cars sped into the intersection and closed the street down in a matter of 20 seconds. I ran outside to see what was going on - thought I was gonna witness some Jack Bauer season 2 shit. But instead, a huge motorcade came rolling down Bloor St. At least another 10 police cars, a few black SUV's, a couple limos, and a freakin' ambulance. The whole closing-down-the-street thing was done with military precision. It was awesome, but I couldn't figure out who would warrant such a motorcade. It seemed too big even for Stephen Harper or someone. So I checked to see who might be in town, and easily found my answer here.

Too bad he didn't stop at my place for a glass of wine and a cigar!

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