Friday, March 28, 2008

I Call Bullshit!

I Call Bullshit (!) on a lot of things. Here are a few. Maybe I'll make this into a regular theme for posts.

I call bullshit on:

-People who refer to old people as "cute". Especially when they're teenaged girls.

-Those "brand power" because I don't understand what's behind them, and two because I know that whatever is behind them is extremely cynical and evil.

-Words that always get put in italics when they're used, like realpolitik or chutzpuh.



the notorious E.G.G said...

V8 is bullshit. It's dangerous, plain and simple. We're better off drinking Mountain Dew.

the notorious E.G.G said...

I think Brand Power is used by companies that are either:

a) extremely cheap

b) scared shitless of investing in good creative. Instead, they pour their money into low-budget, Wayne's World-esque spots narrated by a saggy old trout.

smokestack said...

what's the deal brand power the name of the advertising firm? why would they use their own name in commercials they produce for other companies? i don't get it at all. but it is bullshit.

V8 is bullshit too. but clamato is even more bullshit. and caesars are even more bullshit than that. what the fuck are people thinking with those? mmmmm, delicious... warm tomato juice. you know what would make this warm tomato juice even more delicious? clams! you know what would make these tomatoes and clams we are drinking even more delicious? vodka!

Anonymous said...

Brand Power is an advertising service owned by Buchanan Group. They are sponsored and paid for by the top manufacturers of the world. Essentially they tie a bunch of products together under a "broad label name" for the explicit benefits of the manufacturers who line their pockets. Because people see all these different brand names housed under one label, they begin to assume that all the products are the best available and they should buy all associated products under the label "Brand Power."

It's just the latest marketing scheme in today's culture. The greedy corporations have finally realized that they don't have to compete because if they look like they are all on the same side, they all win because people will buy because of the "brand power" label regardless of the actual product.

But it's not like it really matters. Go to any store and go to a product that is sold under many different labels. Read the fine print at the bottom of each label. You might be looking at a dozen "different brands" of that product...all owned by 3 or 4 corporations. Isn't it odd how 3 or 4 "brands" of an identical product owned by a single corporation are all being sold at different prices? They will regardless...the average person buys the most expensive one under the assumption that it is a better product because it costs more.

And I couldn't agree more...complete and utter BULLSHIT!

But it is society's fault...until "we," as a whole, wise up, the corporations will continue to rape us blind. Since the average IQ world-wide seems to be on a slow, but steady, decline, I doubt we are going to see any major changes in this trend in our lifetime.