I've been kinda swamped with non-blogging stuff recently, but I will say this: I'm sure glad that this whole Democratic primary thing is just about done.
I'm looking forward to the brutal wakeup call coming to anyone who actually takes national polls seriously at this stage. Watch the bump. And that's just the beginning...I have a feeling that Obams will get the biggest post-convention bump in recent memory during the August Democreatic Convention. It's the 4-year anniversary of what was arguably his first "big" speech, and more importantly, the 45th anniversary (to the DAY) of the Martin Luther King Jr. "I have a dream" speech. To say "I think he can find something powerful to work with" is an understatement. Add Hillary and Edwards and Gore and just about every other "celebrity democrat" standing side by side, and you'll be witnessing the beginning of a big Democratic win (I'm looking at you, Porter).
Then think of the Republican Convention a month later...What are they gonna do? They have to spend a bunch of it doing the "Bush Tribute" thing...it's their funeral, but it's not like they can get out of it either. Then McCain will proceed to give his speech and look like a very old man on all the hi-def screens that Americans watch the major networks on. Then some B-list country star will play.
Shit's going down.
Good post!
just make sure you have my buddha's ready
that's all i'm saying...
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