Friday, December 21, 2007

Five Year Olds

I take exception to this site's 5-year-old-fighting-capacity algorithms. They vastly underestimate my steely-eyed determination in the face of swarming children. 21! Hah! I'll have piledrived 21 five year olds before I break a sweat.


Mike D. said...

You beat me to it.

I'm speechless about this website.

Indiana said...

Woah! How did you first bring this up, B? I might believe you're magic now.

My score is 17, but i think the component that the website is missing is the fight to the death factor. If that was the case, I think my survival mechanism would kick in and my number would be closer to 50. Though no higher. I tire out easily. Plus I'd have the delayed reaction of "No, this isn't really happening. What? why is this little girl trying to bite my leg? No! No, Sally! Stop it. That's not yours! Off! Okay, get the ef off my leg before I drop kick your-- Oh sh*t there's more of them swarming..."

Then it'd just be all out war.

smokestack said...

I think that you have now been sufficiently warned about the 5-year-olds threat that when you see a large group of 5 year olds coming towards you, you should break necks first and ask questions later.