Friday, October 10, 2008

Cheap Green: Laundry Time

Laundry! Here's some tips for economizing on energy...
* Rinse in cold water.
* Set your water heater to 120 degrees, not 140 degrees.
* Always wash a full load — or at least adjust the settings to match the size of your load, so the machine knows the right amount of water.
* In general, washing machines that load in front are more energy-efficient than machines that load on top, though there are some exceptions. (Whirlpool says it has some energy-efficient top-loaders.)

* Dry multiple loads in succession. This ensures that the heat the dryers produce does not go to waste.
* Clean the lint trap after every load. As lint fills up, it blocks air flow, making the dryer work harder.
* Use the sensor-dry settings to dry your clothes, rather than timed drying. The latter will keep clothes tumbling even if they are already dry.
* Dry similar kinds fabrics together. Ever noticed that towels dry more slowly than T-shirts?

My tip? Don't use the dryer for anything but towels, if you have to. Your clothes will last 10 times longer and will keep their shape much better. Dryer heat breaks the fibres in fabrics like cotton and elastic and saps colour as well.

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