It's funny that the personal choice I've made to strictly limit my intake of processed (not very tasty) foods in deference to the delish delights of cooking from scratch can be construed as a political decision.
Sure, part of my reasoning to do the "slow food" thing, as it is called, is tied to the gross environmental and ethical implications of eating big industry food that is grown from gmo seeds that only produce for one season (eff you, Monsantos), that is sprayed with pesticides and herbicides (read: poison), that is harvested and processed by people who likely don't make a proper living wage and who must endure the health consequences of being around poison all day (read: brown people), and that is shipped all over the world because oil is still too cheap (yeah, I said it).
But really my main reason for this "lifestyle choice" is that I just love to eat delicious whole foods. I like the way it tastes, I like the way it looks (so colourful!), I like the way I feel when it digests (processed food makes me gasy and bloated, and the sugars and salts in it cause mood swings), and quite honestly IT'S MUCH MUCH CHEAPER TO COOK AND EAT NON-PROCESSED FOODS.
Plus, there's less packaging so less trees are chopped down, less plastic is produced, less garbage ends up in our waters and the landfills are spared one less person's daily dose.
Easy choice.
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