Monday, September 29, 2008



I've said this like the last 5 times I've posted, but sorry for not ever writing anything on here these days. It's been a very busy time back in the ole' T.O. Lots of shit going down. And thank you, crazy Indiana gal, for keeping this thing going (and giving me good stuff to read). While on the subject, what happened to Capt. Smokestack? Did he go the route of "I'm paid to do this shit now" McConvey??

So I guess today's gonna be somewhat of an infamous day. I thought I would spare a few minutes to share a couple bullet points about...the last 3 months??

  • Sarah Palin!!!!

  • Here's the thing about this bailout plan failure. I don't think revenge or "i told you so" sentiments are ever a really good idea in public policy. Bottom line is that something needs to be done to restore some sort of liquidity in the markets or shit is fucked. I find it amusing that many Americans are so scared of anything that smells of socialism that they'll stay far away from it even if a ridiculously good investment opportunity for taxpayers (that will ALSO save the country) comes along. So instead, the fat cats will just get bailed out without any upside for taxpayers. Total bullshit, but it's still preferable to full scale economic disaster. Deal with punishments later. It's always hard to explain why populism is kinda bad, but if this bailout failing does what people are fearing it'll do to the economy, this will be a pretty good example. So much for Huckabee '12. Anyways, my point is that since the bill failed I think the best option is to come up with a more PROGRESSIVE bill, which will get most democrats on board, then also catch some populist republicans by putting some superificial-yet-appealing-to-bullshit-populist-politicians shit in there. I'm not an economist or very good at math, but it seems to me like this would be a good idea AND it would have no problem passing in through congress.

  • I watched the debate slightly under the influence, but it seemed to me like McCain won. And needless to say, I just mean "won" in the sense that I thought the mainstream media would SAY he won, therefore boosting his poll numbers. Maybe I've just been too conditioned into thinking that there are too many Americans out there that are worried about a potential President seeming "wimpy", even if he's right about everything. I thought they'd be calling Obams 'Dukakis'. This is why I will never be a pundit. I personally thought that McCain dished out way to much of the grumpy old man shit, but I didn't think others would pick up on it.

  • Has McCain completely lost his mind? How did he think all that shit was possibly a good idea? 

  • I can uncomfortably say that I have no idea who's gonna win this election. If I had to bet I'd still pick Obama, based on the electoral map breakdowns. But still, I have this bad feeling that all it might take for McCain is a good week of smears during the last week of October...

  • Is there seriously a Canadian election coming up in 2 weeks?? WTF? Who are the candidates? (alright, seriously though, Bob Rae is my local MPP...and that's kinda cool....but, y'know, fuck the Liberals. Who should I vote for?)


smokestack said...

Couple points:

1. Welcome back for Mike D.

2. I'd like to associate myself with bullet point number 2.

3. I disagree with bullet point #3. I think Obama won for one reason. There are some people in America who watch news so seldom, or who restrict their news intake to partisan sources (ie. fox news), that the only image of Obama they have ever been exposed to is of an inexperienced, anti-american, chicago politician, radical muslim terrorist sympathizer. I think those kind of people got a good kick in the teeth when they watched obamas performance with that image in their mind. if you are going to crudely paint an image on your opponent, it has to have at least a partial connection with reality. Al Gore came off as an exaggerator. Kerry came off as an eastern liberal elite. Obama came off as a competent centrist with a good grasp of the issues.

4. yo.... I've been posting lately. A little support please.

Indiana said...

1. Palin is embarrassing

2. Agreed on need for more progressive bailout plan, but isn't that a natural. Disagree with anyone who thinks the last one was adequate. It's never okay to give in to "wallstreet fat cats."

3. I love that a "wallstreet fat cats" search returns 300,000 hits on google.

4. Yo, use the comments function more often, brosephs. It's the best part of blogging.