Friday, August 15, 2008

Dumb Science

The stupidest study I've ever heard of:

According to a new study by researchers at Rutgers University in New Jersey, several commonly used skin creams may cause skin tumors – at least in mice, Reuters reported.

Dr. Allan Conney, professor of cancer and leukemia research at Rutgers, discovered the risk while testing a theory that caffeine could prevent skin cancer, according to the report.

"We sort of got into this by accident," Conney told Reuters. "We wanted a safe cream that we could put the caffeine into."

Conney and colleagues stumbled across the findings after they exposed hairless mice to ultraviolet radiation to mimic sun exposure. Afterward, they applied four popular moisturizers to the mice.

What they found was that all four — Dermabase, Dermavan, Eucerin and Vanicream – caused tumors to grow on the mice.

Hmmmm, I wonder if the UV ray exposure had anything at all to do with the cancer...

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